Sunday, November 28, 2010

happiness and health.

Happiness helps people to stay healthy

      An essential component to maintaining healthy is being happy. According to studies, people who have positive thinking and are usually happy are less likely than others to develop diseases. Most times happier people may have healthier hearts and cardiovascular systems, possibly cutting their risk of diseases. Depression and negative thoughts are associated also with health problems. In addition, laughter can be one of the best ways to maintain healthy people. Madan Kataria affirms that “laughter, would not only improve ones mood, but enhance physical well-being” (Khatchadourian 77).
Most times happier people may have healthier hearts and cardiovascular systems, possibly cutting their risk of diseases. In other words, being happy help to improve your health. Richard Mulcaster, a humanist educator, argued that “being happy produced warmth throughout the body, and was good antidote for colds, headaches, and bouts of melancholy” (Khatchadourian 84). Consequently, whether people are happy or less happy in their everyday lives appears to have important effects on health and disease development. To illustrate, according to a new study, people who are usually happy, enthusiastic and content are less likely than others to develop heart illness. Ka­rina Da­vid­son of Co­lum­bia Uni­vers­ity Med­i­cal Cen­ter in New York, who led the new stu­dy, said it sug­gests heart dis­ease might be in some de­gree pre­venta­ble through pos­i­tive emo­tions. To conclude, many diseases such as heart illness are associated with happiness and positive thoughts. Prevention and treatment of diseases should take into consideration the emotional state of individuals.
Sometimes depression and negative thoughts can affect your life, not only the way you look but also the way you feel and your overall health. In other words, the mind affects the body and the body affects the mind also. It goes both ways, but the main factor is the mind. According to the earliest scientific “the mind influences various functions of the body” (Khatchadourian 84). For instance, if you have a positive attitude in life, if you know you can make any situation better and you have no negative emotions, then the body will survive better. "This is the best data to date that associates positive emotional feelings with good effects on your health," says Carol Shively, at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, US. "We usually concentrate on things that are either bad or wrong, rather than good or right."
 Laughter can be one of the best ways to avoid diseases and maintain healthy people. Madan Kataria explains that “laughter alleviates pain, and mitigates Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Patients with multiple sclerosis who laughed regularly had a lot improvement”( Khatchadourian 84). In other words, laughter can be the best medicine for people. Some people forget how important is to laugh and as a result it affects not only their emotional state but also their health. According to the scientist Lee Berk “mirthful laughter increases the production of natural-killer cells, which help the body to fight viral infections and cancerous growths. He argues also that “laughter can have salutary effects on everything from heart disease to diabetes and allergies” (Khatchadourian 85). For those reasons, one of the best ways to keep healthy is laughing and it is also a good therapy to cure and prevent diseases.
In conclusion, people who have positive thinking and are usually happy are less likely than others to develop diseases. Sometimes depression and negative thoughts can affect your overall health. On the other hand, people who have positive thoughts and correct attitude about life can positively affect their health. Laughter is a choice and we can take it to improve and prevent diseases. Consequently, laughter and being happy can be the best medicine for people.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Happiness helps people stay healthy

Happiness helps people stay healthy
According to studies, people who have positive thinking and are usually happy are less likely than others to develop diseases.

Previous studies have shown that depression is associated with health problems compared to average emotional states. But few studies have looked at the effects of positive moods on health. Now, researchers at University College London, UK, have linked everyday happiness with healthier levels of important body chemicals, such as the stress hormone cortisol. "This study showed that whether people are happy or less happy in their everyday lives appears to have important effects on the markers of biological function known to be associated with disease," says clinical psychologist Jane Wardle, one of the research team. "Perhaps laughter is the best medicine," she adds.
Works Cited:

Sunday, November 14, 2010

I am grateful for.....

I am grateful for:

          I believe that gratitude is a virtue by which a person recognizes everything that has received. Essentially, gratitude is an interior disposition, a grateful heart, some people try to express in words and in deeds for which they received.

          I am very grateful with my parents. They gave me a good education, taught me many values such as respect and honesty. I owe my life and what I am to my parents. I have many beautiful memories of my childhood with them. My mother took care of me all night when I was sick. She was always there when I needed something; she was like a friend to me. I remember that my father worked very hard for my mother and me.  They were and are excellent parents.

          I am also grateful with God for all the beautiful things I have received in my life. For example, I am grateful for my health, because without it there I couldn’t enjoy the wonders of the world. Right now, I am grateful for my baby and my husband. They are now the happiness of my life. I really feel happy and grateful for all the blessings that God has given me.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

cultivate happier relationships.

Cultivate happier relationships.

Some people think that a good relationship is when they find the right person, but really all depends on how you cultivate and know your partner. It is important to maintain a good relationship participated in activities that are significant or enjoyable to ourselves as well as to our partner. Spending time together, build a base that can weather predictable storms and express gratitude and sacrifices are important factors to cultivate happier relationships.
Spending time with your romantic partner and participating in activities that are important to ourselves as well as to our partner are essential factors to cultivate happier relationship. According to the article happiness in relationship, Tal Ben-Shahar explains “spending meaningful time with friends, family or romantic partner is necessary for happiness (111). Personally, I feel happy when I spend time and share precious moments with my husband. After my parents he is the most important and valuable person in my life. In the article Happiness in relationship, Tal Ben-Shahar explains “the most important and challenging component of a happy relationship is not finding the one right person but rather cultivating the one chose relationship” (120).  To illustrate, some people think that a good relationship is when they find the right person, but really all depends on how you cultivate and know your partner. Couples should be motivated by something that makes them happy. In my case, my husband and I try to do different activities that are meaningful and enjoyable for us. For example, we both like to go to the movies and surprises. I feel happy when my husband prepares a surprise to make me feel good. In addition, routine makes a relationship ends or helps to decreases happiness. That’s why people have to find ways to avoid this problem doing meaningful and pleasurable things for the relationship.
Other way to cultivate happier relationships is building a solid foundation that can withstand predictable storms in the relationship. Knowing our partner deeply is one of the best techniques to achieve a solid foundation in the couple. According to the article happiness in relationship, Tal Ben-Shahar explains “As we get to know one another and spend time together engaged in activities that we care about most, we build a foundation that can weather inevitable storms” (121). In other words, to create a firm relationship we should know more about our partner. Tal Ben- Shahar also introduces the way “We cultivate intimacy by knowing and being known” (121). Knowing our partner makes us feel more confident and secure about how to act in a specific situation in the relationship. For example, sometimes economic problems affect relationships, but when you have a solid foundation with your partner is easier to solve and find solutions that will bring an atmosphere of prosperity. On the other hand, most time people who don’t have a firm relationship tend to despair and make mistakes when they have any problem. Consequently they don’t find ways to solve or find solution to create a better environment in the relationship.
 Express gratitude and make sacrifices help to build a stronger and beautiful relationship. For instance, when you first met your partner, came to be a mutual affection because of certain things you had in common. Maybe it was because you met in a way that seems to indicate that had the same interest and goals as you. However, after time passes you have to make some sacrifices and show gratitude to cultivate happier relationship. In the article Happiness in relationship, Tal Ben-Shahar explains "it is important to note that standing by one’s partner in a time of need is not sacrificed; when we love someone, we often feel that helping that person is helping ourselves" (117). I totally agree that when we love someone we have to think not only in our welfare but also on the welfare of our partner. In my own experience, I had to sacrifice a lot of things like my friends, my own interest and stop thinking selfishly since I got married. My husband and I knew from that first moment that everything would change. Any decision to make would affect us both. As Nathaniel Branden notes, “This is the great complement of love: that our self-interest expands to encompass our partner” (117). On the other hand, gratitude is very important in romantic relationship. When we express appreciation to our partner, we are cultivating happier relationships. You make feel your partner comfortable and happy when you appreciate everything that you partner does to increases happiness in the relationship. .
In conclusion, to cultivate happier relationships we must find ways to motivate our romantic relationship and try to maintain an atmosphere of prosperity. We have many ways to find happiness in the relationship such as spending time together, build a base that can weather predictable storms and express gratitude and sacrifices. In addition, sometimes the dynamism and richness of social participation will depend on what we are able to provide and know others deeply.